Thursday, October 27, 2011

Under influence of alcohol...dirty bit!

I’ve not written a blog for a long time. I don’t have time is my little excuse. I always have time. I can always find time. Maybe the reality is, there is nothing really interesting to write about until last night. I think what-the-fuck had happened last night was pretty awesome for me. It’s not about the booze. It the spontaneity and the naturalness of us. Yes, us. The five of us. We’re actually ten but last night we’re just five individuals in the state in between being sober and intoxicated. 
Camiguin Trip

Let me introduce the cast. The complete cast. And some brief description  of them.

TON. I call him Tonette. The first bubbliest-to-hell-I-care person I know. I had my first LOL with this guy.  Stand-up comedy material. He has this charismatic attack to everything. It seems like the world is imperfect and we should just laugh because we can’t do anything about it. He looks serious with his glasses but seriously he’s not serious in looking serious. 

SEM. Smile. That’s his trademark. The friendliest MedRep I’ve got to know. Mysterious guy. I’ve never seen him sad or disgusted. 

EMAN. Man of few words. Fierce. Strong. Beckies type. I bet he believes in the cliche, “Few words. Few mistakes”. One thing I learned from him : Words will not build your character. 

JEANNE.  I really can’t find an adjective to describe her.  Ahhhmm…  She’s in love. To a certain man-of-her-dreams or to the man-who-makes-nightmares, I can’t tell. To a certain point I think she’s madly in love with the whole idea of love.

KAREN.. Adventurer  by heart. She seems okay with everything except with accounting. No skills in numbers. But she’s a  good listener. Never spills out a bean.

PARDS. Real name's Honey but never been sweet-looking. Tough. Coco Martin.

STEVE. Experienced. And blooming these days. Used to be called Ms. Universe, downgraded to just Ms. Venezuela. He’s constantly changing. For better or for worse, only he knows.

DREI. Normal girl with well-off background and a little stormy love story. I just heard of her name before and got a feeling of disliking her. First time I met her, automatically I liked her. Always in and game in the name of fun! 
El Salvador Side-trip

VENCI. Loud and funny. Never a dull moment. Different attack on jokes but well, very funny. Witty and confident. He’s got loads of “pasabog”.

When and how we became a team is a long story.  We called ourselves PURYA, courtesy of Venci.

Fast forward to the night of October 26 to the dawn of October 27.

Dapitan Escapade
The VENUE. Mabulay. The place to be. The house where 6 out of 10 of my kids live. By the way, I call them kids because I feel responsible for them and I feel like owning them. I love those kids. Honest to goodness! 

The PLOT. Nothing serious. No melodrama intended. Plain booze. 

The CAST. Ton, Jeanne, Sem, Karen and ME (in all caps).

What transpired. (As far as I could remember).

Started with Praybeyt Benjamin. Family affair (consider them my second family by the way). Then dinner at Mcdonalds. Separate businesses then. I felt a little concerned about the not-in-mood face Jeanne displayed so talked to her inside my car. After a short talk, we decided to have rhum! Go Tanduay! We need some alcohol in our veins.

So we rode fast the car, dropped at the convenience store and grabbed Emperador, plenty of ice and junkies. Emperador light. For a change. Then we headed back to the place-to-be. Invited Sem.

I didn’t  mean to offend Ton on our conversation back in a car. I sound defending certain persona. Whatever needs clarified, it will be with a glass of brandy. I am not quite sure if we really ended into agreement that there had been no offense. I meant no offense really. I think I said sorry many times. I think I’m forgiven.

We looked for more issues to settle. Issues of betrayal. Issues of love. Issues of lies. Issues of the heart mainly. Then came Karen. Her real purpose was to find something to munch. She had our junkies. But glad she stayed.

Mcdonald Moment
Hours passed. We had another bottle of Emperador. I can feel the brandy running in my system but I am very conscious of everything. Alcohol gave us the courage to confront each other. Not in a demeaning way. It’s more of clarifying things  and listening intently to what one has to say. No pretensions. Thank you Emperador.

“What’s the real score between you and Mr. X?” 

“Only Yes and No. Absolutely no Maybe’s.”

“What if the situation is different, would things  be the same?”

“I hate the answer. It’s so safe"

“Fuck you.”

“Fuck you too.”

Then we became dramatic stars. Ton cried. Jeanne cried. I cried. Sem cried. Karen joined. It was an issue of leaving. Not returning. 

Tears. Then there’s promise. Promise of going back. We called it a day.

I can't recall how many times I slapped and punched Sem that time. Lost count of how many pinky promises, how many speeches. I value the honesty we had displayed. I loved the way we were that night. 

Barely four months of friendship. And I say, I’m attached to this team. We’re the happiest. We may be together most of the time but we keep some things to ourselves. I think that’s part of respect we have for each one. We’re open to listening but we don’t insist on knowing. We know each other not perfectly well, but we certainly have familiarized each others personality.  

I belong with these kids. These kids belong to me. Sounds possessive but I guess they’re already part of the package. Me plus them. Package deal!

Light. Dirty bit.

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